My Characters
- Q: Do you have a main OC you use as a sort of avatar? A: I have, a grey squirrel with a green ushanka hat.
- Q: What gives you ideas for your creature/monster OCs? A: tumblr stimboards or combining two themes I see irl into one, or manifesting emotions into OCs.
- Q: Any other main OCs you like receiving art of? A: a numbat named Zenith who wears skulls and crystal necklaces.
- Q: Art trades? :3c A: I rarely do these anymore.
- Q: Are you a furry? A: No.
- 2012-2013 all my OCs were monsters with excess amounts of piercings.
- 2014-2016 the furry phase... We don"t talk about the furry phase.
- 2017-2018 amnesia...but had some feral OCs.
- 2019 created too many feral OCs with ugly color schemes. Kept a few and redesigned them.
- 2020-2021 the darkage, amnesia again, and depression or something, idk.
- 2022-2023 motivated and back to creating decent OCs. This time introducing many creature, monster, fantasy based species, and even some human OCs.
Contains some occational gorey art (animals), body horror (humans) and general horror themes (creatures). View at your own risk.
History of my OCs:
New OCs will be added, old ones purged as time goes on. My tastes change and so do the characters with it.